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deep vein thrombosis
Venous Disease > Sclerotherapy


Only suitable for below knee varicose veins
Need to exclude SFJ or SPJ incompetence
Main use is for persistent or recurrent varicose veins
after adequate saphenous surgery
5% Ethanolamine oleate
0.5% Sodium tetradecyl sulphate
Different to sclerosants used for haemorrhoids
Needle placed in vein when full with patient standing
Empty vein prior to injection
Apply immediate compression and maintain for 4-6 weeks
Do not exceed maximum volume
Injection about 5 sites possible

Complications of sclerotherapy

Extravasation causing pigmentation or ulceration
Deep venous thrombosis

Recurrent varicose veins

15 - 25 % of varicose vein surgery is for recurrence
Outcome of recurrent varicose veins surgery is less successful
Can be avoided with adequate primary surgery

Reasons for recurrence

Inaccurate clinical assessment
Confusion as to whether varicosities are in LSV or SSV distribution
Can be avoided with use of hand held doppler
Inadequate primary surgery
10% cases SFJ not correctly identified
20% cases tributaries mistaken for LSV
Failure to strip LSV
Injudicious use of sclerotherapy
70% of those with SF incompetence treated with sclerotherapy alone will develop recurrence
With recurrent varicose vein need to image with duplex or varicography

Dr. Pankaj Patel a vascular surgeon has expertise in peripheral vascular diseases, varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis

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